



“I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world,” Einstein famously

said. Whether or not he was right about the general theory of relativity and the universe, his statement is certainly not true of the games people play in their daily lives. Life is not chess but a game of backgammon, with a throw of the dice at every turn. As a result, it is hard to make (  (1)   ). But in a world with any regularity at (  (2)   ), decisions informed by the past are better than decisions made at random. That has always been true, and we would expect animals, especially humans, to have developed sharp (3) intuitions about probability.




I shall never believeのshallは強い意志を表す助動詞。マッカーサーが第二次世界大戦中、日本軍にフィリピンを追われたとき、“I shall return.”(俺は何があっても戻ってくる)と言ったのは有名な話ですね。

さて、この筆者も私と同じタイプのようで、人生はチェスではなく、バックギャモンだとの意見。バックギャモンは2人のプレーヤーが盤上の15個の駒を2個のサイコロの目で進めて行き、どちらがすべての駒を目的地にゴールさせるかを競う、いわば西洋すごろくですが、たとえそんな知識がなくても、with a throw of the dice at every turnを見れば、サイコロを振るということは理解できます。このturnは「番、順番」の意味です。ちなみに、この「さいころ」を意味するdiceはdieの複数形で、The die is cast.「さいは投げられた(もう後には引けない)」は、カエサルがルビコン川を渡るときに口にしたと言われるせりふです。


ア progress  イ predictions  ウ random returns

エ probable moves


As a resultに注目。自分の番が回ってくるたびにサイコロを振ったら、何をするのがむずかしいのか?サイコロの目が予想できるのなら、私は今すぐにでも塾の先生を辞めるでしょう。







ア all  イ large  ウ length  エ most


サイコロという偶然性に振り回されるバックギャモンは規則性が全くないわけですから、「少しでも規則性のある世界では」という意味にします。at allは強調の言葉で、否定を強調するときは「まったく~ない」、肯定や条件を強調する場合は「少しでも(いやしくも、そもそも)~」。at large「①一般の、②つかまらないで」、at length「①詳細に、②ついに」、at most「多くても、せいぜい」。





ア 自然界の規則性に基づいて、いかなる場合にも的確な判断を下せる直感。

イ 過去のできごとの経緯から、次に何が起きそうであるかを判断する直感。

ウ 自然界で起こる諸現象から、常に真となるような法則を抽象化する直感。

エ 過去のできごとに基づいて、物事の本質について確実に理解できる直感。


下線部(3)を直訳すると、「蓋然性に関する直感」。蓋然性とは何かが起こる確率です。decisions informed by the past~から判断すれば、とくにむずかしい設問ではありません。




 However, people often seem to make illogical judgment of probability. One notorious example is the “gambler’s fallacy.” “Fallacy” means a false idea widely believed to be true, and you commit the gambler’s fallacy if you expect that when a tossed coin has fallen on the same side, say, three times in a row, this increases the chance of it falling on the other side the next time, as if the coin had a memory and a desire to (  (4)   ). I remember (  (5)   ) an incident during a family vacation when I was a teenager. My father mentioned that we had suffered through several days of rain (  (6)   ). I corrected him, accusing him of the gambler’s fallacy. But long-suffering Dad was right, and his know-it-all son was wrong. Cold fronts, which cause rain, aren’t removed from the earth at day’s end and replaced with new ones the next morning. A cloud must have some average size, speed, and direction, and it would not surprise me now if a week of clouds really did predict that the edge of the clouds was near and the sun was about to appear again, just as the (  (7)   ) railroad car on a passing train suggests more strongly than the fifth one that the last one will be passing soon.


gambler’s fallacy「ギャンブラーの誤謬(=誤った考え)」とは、ギャンブラー特有の誤った考え方を言います。たとえば、サイコロを振って1が出る確率はいつでも6分の1です。ところが、実際にサイコロを振って遊んでいるときに、1が3回連続して出ると、ほとんどのギャンブラーが次に1が出る確率は低いと思います。これがgambler’s fallacyです。



ア be fair  イ cheat us  ウ amuse us  エ be repetitive


本文ではコインの裏表の話になっています。放り上げられたコインが、3回連続して表を上に落ちたとき、あたかもコインに記憶力があり、どうしたいという願望があれば、4回目には裏が上になる可能性が高くなるのでしょうか?裏が出る確率を上げようとするわけですから、表裏の確率を公平にしようと願うことになりますね。the chance of it falling on the other sideのit(=the coin)は動名詞fallingの意味上の主語です。準動詞の意味上の主語は東大英語で人気のあるテーマの1つで、前置詞+(代)名詞+Vingはとくに要注意。なお、chance to V ~は「~する好機(チャンス)」で、chance of Ving ~は「~する可能性」。chanceは意味の違いによって、修飾語が変わります。













ア in pride  イ  in despair   ウ  to my shame

エ to my surprise



ここで、筆者の父親との想い出が語られます。雨にたたられた家族旅行。父の発言(設問6)を、筆者はギャンブラーの誤謬だと非難します。それを今振り返って、筆者はどう感じているのでしょうか。I corrected him, ~ was wrong.の2文がヒント。know-it-all son(知ったかぶりの息子)は父が正しかったと知って、恥ずかしい思いをすることになります。





ア but could only hope for a sunny day

イ  and were likely to have good weather

ウ  and the bad weather was likely to continue

エ but couldn’t tell when it would stop raining







ア first  イ fourth  ウ tenth  エ final


寒冷前線を理解するたとえとして、筆者は通過中の列車を例にとっています。just as S V ~「~するのと同様に」。最後の車両がまもなく通り過ぎることを、5番目の車両よりも強く示すのは、何番目の車両でしょうか?もちろん、5番目より後ろで最終車両より前の車両です。




 Many events (  (8)   ) like that. They have a characteristic life history, a changing probability of occurring over time. A clever observer should commit the gambler’s fallacy and try to predict the next occurrence of an event from its history (  (9)   ) far. There is one exception : devices that are designed to make events occur independently of their history. What kind of device would do that? We call them gambling machines. Their reason for being is to beat an observer who likes to turn (  (10)   ). If our love of patterns were not sensible because randomness is everywhere, gambling machines should be easy to build and gamblers easy to beat. In fact, roulette wheels, slot machines, even dice must be made with extreme care and precision to produce random results.

So, in any world but a casino, the gambler’s fallacy is rarely a fallacy. Indeed, (11) calling our intuitive prediction unreliable because they fail with gambling devices is unreasonable. A gambling device is an artificially invented machine which is, by definition, designed (  (12)   ). It is like calling our hands badly designed because their shape makes it hard to get out of handcuffs.





ア change   イ  follow   ウ look   エ work


イを選ぶ受験生が多いのではないでしょうか?ところが、followは「~のあとに続く」の意味の他動詞です。like thisは修飾語で、目的語にはなれません。workが入試で出題されるとき、ほとんどが「うまくいく、機能する、作用する」の意味です。













ア patterns into predictions

イ predictions into patterns

ウ patterns into randomness

エ randomness into predictions


これらのギャンブルマシーンは、誰を打ち負かすために存在しているのかというと、その名の通り、ギャンブラーです。前述した、私の「センター出目必勝法」でわかるように、ギャンブラーとは過去のパターンから未来を予測する者たちです。turn ~ into —「~を—に変える」。








主語は動名詞callingで、devicesまでが主部です。callは「OをCと呼ぶ」の意味で第5文型を作ります。この文ではour intuitive predictionがO、 unreliableがC。ポイントはbecauseの訳し方にあります。not ~ because —は「—だからといって~ではない」と訳します。calling ~ unreliableは形の上では否定ではありませんが、unreliableによって意味が否定になっているために、「they ~ devicesだから」ではなく、「they ~ devicesだからといって」と訳しましょう。





ア to follow the observed patterns

イ to meet gamblers’ requirements

ウ to defeat our intuitive predictions

エ to remind us of the regularity of nature









“I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world,” Einstein famously

said. Whether or not he was right about the general theory of relativity and the universe, his statement is certainly not true of the games people play in their daily lives. Life is not chess but a game of backgammon, with a throw of the dice at every turn. As a result, it is hard to make (  (1)   ). But in a world with any regularity at (  (2)   ), decisions informed by the past are better than decisions made at random. That has always been true, and we would expect animals, especially humans, to have developed sharp (3) intuitions about probability.

However, people often seem to make illogical judgment of probability. One notorious example is the “gambler’s fallacy.” “Fallacy” means a false idea widely believed to be true, and you commit the gambler’s fallacy if you expect that when a tossed coin has fallen on the same side, say, three times in a row, this increases the chance of it falling on the other side the next time, as if the coin had a memory and a desire to (  (4)   ). I remember (  (5)   ) an incident during a family vacation when I was a teenager. My father mentioned that we had suffered through several days of rain (  (6)   ). I corrected him, accusing him of the gambler’s fallacy. But long-suffering Dad was right, and his know-it-all son was wrong. Cold fronts, which cause rain, aren’t removed from the earth at day’s end and replaced with new ones the next morning. A cloud must have some average size, speed, and direction, and it would not surprise me now if a week of clouds really did predict that the edge of the clouds was near and the sun was about to appear again, just as the (  (7)   ) railroad car on a passing train suggests more strongly than the fifth one that the last one will be passing soon.

Many events (  (8)   ) like that. They have a characteristic life history, a changing probability of occurring over time. A clever observer should commit the gambler’s fallacy and try to predict the next occurrence of an event from its history (  (9)   ) far. There is one exception : devices that are designed to make events occur independently of their history. What kind of device would do that? We call them gambling machines. Their reason for being is to beat an observer who likes to turn (  (10)   ). If our love of patterns were not sensible because randomness is everywhere, gambling machines should be easy to build and gamblers easy to beat. In fact, roulette wheels, slot machines, even dice must be made with extreme care and precision to produce random results.

So, in any world but a casino, the gambler’s fallacy is rarely a fallacy. Indeed, (11) calling our intuitive prediction unreliable because they fail with gambling devices is unreasonable. A gambling device is an artificially invented machine which is, by definition, designed (  (12)   ). It is like calling our hands badly designed because their shape makes it hard to get out of handcuffs.







