第6話 『帰郷』(2007年)




Rebecca’s mother was standing outside the bus station when the bus arrived. It was seven thirty-five on Sunday morning. She looked tired. “How was the ride?” she asked.

“I didn’t fall asleep until we got to Ohio,” Rebecca replied. She had come by overnight bus from New York City. The familiar smells of the early Michigan summer filled the air as they walked to her mother’s car. “But I’m okay.”








Rebecca looked out the window as her mother drove the dozen blocks back to the house. The town was nearly deserted. Along Main Street, a discount shoe store stood where the department store used to be, and the drugstore had become a laundry. But on Lincoln Ave., the fast-food places ― Bonus Burger, Pizza Delight, Taco Time ― was (  1  ), as were the houses on Willow, the street where Rebecca had grown up. Only the house two doors down from her mother’s looked different.


設問(1) 空所(1)を埋めるのに最も適当な表現を次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア as she left   イ as her childhood   ウ as she was a child

エ as she remembered


いきなりむずかしいです。接続詞のasには大きく5つの意味(時、理由、様態、比例、譲歩)があります。物語に出てくるasは物語の性質上圧倒的に時です。イ「子供時代に」は正しくはin her childhood。





“What happened to the Wilsons’ house?” Rebecca asked. “Did they paint it or something?”

“They moved to Kentucky.” her mother replied.

There was a long pause. Rebecca realized that her mother had still not ( 2 ) her former cheerfulness.

“Somebody else moved in.” Her mother parked the car in the driveway, and they got out.

The house was empty when they entered. Henry, Rebecca’s stepfather, was working the early shift at the chemical plant; he wouldn’t be home until midafternoon. As Rebecca carried her suitcase through the dining room, she tried not to look at the pictures of Tracy ― her twin brother ― on the wall.

“I have to go to church,” her mother said. “I’ll be back by noon, if you want to use the car later.”

The bedroom where she had slept as a child was transformed. The bed was new, the carpet was gray instead of green, and hanging from the ceiling was Henry’s collection of model airplanes. ( 3 ) Down the hall, the door of Tracy’s old room was still shut, as it had been for years.

Rebecca left her suitcase next to the bed and went into the kitchen. She made herself a cup of coffee, switched on the television, and sat down to watch a quiz show.




設問(2) 空所(2)を埋めるのに最も適当な単語を次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア recovered  イ reformed  ウ replaced  エ revised


There was a long pause.から二人の会話が弾んでいないことがわかります。母は快活ではないわけですから、「まだ昔の陽気さを取り戻していない」が正解。他の選択肢では「昔の陽気さを変えていない」、つまり、いまでも陽気だということになってしまいます。







そして、Down the hallには、トレーシーの部屋の扉が、何年も変わらず閉ざされたままでした。




こんなに短い下線部和訳は東大以外では考えられません。まず、downを「下に」と訳さないこと。downにはalong「~に沿って」の意味があります。down the roadは道路を下るのではなく、「道路に沿って」。次に、家の中でhallというと玄関か廊下ですが、Rebeccaはすでに家の中に入っていますので、これは廊下。




* * *


That afternoon, Rebecca drove her mother’s car to the shopping mall outside town. The mall had opened before Rebecca was born. When she was in high school, it had been the most exciting place in town, and she and her friends would hang out there in the evenings until it closed. Years of living in Brooklyn and working in Manhattan, though, had given Rebecca a new ( 4 ) , and the mall looked plain and uninteresting. Even on a Sunday afternoon, the stores had few customers.

She bought some shampoo and conditioner ― her mother didn’t have the kind Rebecca used ― and sat at a table in the food court and slipped on a soda. Some children were running around the tables as their mothers chatted nearby. She thought about the coffee shop in New York where she went almost every evening after work. It was on 35th Street, just east of Broadway, between a Swedish bakery and a shop that sold circus equipment. One of the servers, a boy of eighteen or nineteen, always remembered her order and gave her a big smile when she came in. She would sit at a corner table and watch the customers ― every age, every nationality, every kind of clothing and hairstyle ― come and go. ( 5 ) It gave her a thrill to feel she was one thread in such a rich cultural fabric.






ア perspective  イ sight  ウ transformation  エ way












ア 大都会の多彩な文化に参加している喜び

イ 都市文化の中で地に足がつかない不安感

ウ 最新の都市文化を目の当たりにした興奮

エ 巨大な都市文化に入り込めない無力感






Rebecca was getting up to leave when one of the mothers came over to her.

“Rebecca?” she said.

Rebecca hesitated for a moment. Then she cried, “Julia!” She stood, and they embraced each other. “I didn’t ( 6 ) you at first.”

“It’s been a long time.”

Since Tracy’s memorial service, Rebecca thought.

Julia sat down. “Are you still living in New York?”

“Yeah,” Rebecca replied. “I’m just here for a couple of days. But I’m thinking of moving back to Michigan.”

“( 7 a ) I thought you liked New York.”

“Well, my roommate is getting married and moving out, so I have to either find a new roommate or move. Rent is really expensive there.”

“( 7 b )”

“My stepfather says he can get me an office job at the chemical plant. I have an interview there tomorrow.”

“( 7 c )” Julia paused. “Have you been dating anybody?”

“Not really.” Then Rebecca asked, “How’s Jerry?”

“( 7 d ) Still working for his father. He’s gone fishing today, so I brought the kids to the mall to let them run around.”

Rebecca and Julia had been friends in high school. Julia had dated Tracy pretty seriously, but they broke up after high school. Julia was already married to Jerry when Tracy was killed in Afghanistan.




設問(6) 空所(6)を埋めるのに最も適当な単語を次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。

ア appreciate  イ confirm  ウ foresee  エ recognize


名前を呼ばれて、レベッカは一瞬躊躇してから「ジュリア!」と叫んでいます。ということは、最初は(at firstは「最初は(あとで変わる)」)相手がジュリアだとはわからなかったということになりますね。recognizeを「認識する」と覚えている人も多いでしょうが、「人が誰だかわかる、物がなんだかわかる」と考えた方がわかりやすいでしょう。ア「正しく評価する(鑑賞する)、(人の行為、親切に)感謝する」、イ「(事実を)確認する」、ウ「予感する、予見する」。








設問(7) 空所(7 a)~(7 d)を埋めるのに最も適当な文をそれぞれ次のうちから一つ選び、その記号を記せ。同じ記号は一度しか使えない。

ア Why not?

イ He’s okay.

ウ Here he is.

エ How come?

オ That’s great.

カ That’s what I hear


(7a)ニューヨークが気に入っているんだと思っていたわ」という台詞が続きますから、ジュリアはレベッカがミシガンへ戻ることを不思議に思っています。How come ~ ? = Why ~ ?。How come ~は疑問文ですが、~に続く文の語順は平叙文の語順であることに注意。





(答え)(7a)エ (7b)カ (7c)オ (7d)イ




* * *

At dinner that evening, Henry talked about an accident that had happened at the plant : “… and then the cracker overheated, and we had to deal with that, too, while we were flushing out the reflux lines …” Even ( 8 ) a teenager, Rebecca was embarrassed not to understand what Henry said. Neither she nor her mother said much. Later, Rebecca helped Henry wash and put away the dishes. He had married Rebecca’s mother and moved in when Rebecca and Tracy were eleven. Their real father had left three years earlier. Rebecca hadn’t seen him for twenty years.

“I told my boss that you’d come in to the office tomorrow at eleven,” Henry said. I’ll take your mother to work, so you can drive her car.”


“He just wants to meet you before he hires you. I don’t ask about the pay, but it should be okay. The girl who had the job before you didn’t ( 9 ).






as    been    had    more    she    than    would


wouldに続く原形不定詞がないので、wouldが不要であることはわかります。had beenと並ぶのも確実。問題はasがどういう働きのasなのかということです。



(Being) Even more (embarrassed) than she had been (embarrassed) as a teenager,




(答え)2番目 than   5番目 been





ア 22歳  イ 24歳  ウ 26歳  エ 28歳




(答え) エ


事故の話のあと、ヘンリーはレベッカを安心させようとして、明日の面接は形だけのものだと言います。ヘンリーは少なくとも悪い男ではありません、面白みがないだけで。続けてヘンリーはおそらく給料も問題ないだろうと言います。「前にその仕事をしていた女の子が(  )しなかった」というのがその根拠です。



ア  claim  イ complain  ウ demand  エ insist


空所のあとにabout the payが省略されています。アやイやエが入るためには、pay raise[rise]「昇給」が省略されていることになりますが、raise[rise]はどこにも出てきませんから、省略できません。何が省略できて、何が省略できないか?東大はとにかく省略なのです。




Fatigue from the bus trip hit Rebecca early in the evening, so she said goodnight to her mother and Henry and went to bed. She fell asleep quickly and slept soundly. Around four in the morning, while it was still dim and silent outside, she woke up. She stayed in bed and gazed at the model planes hanging from the ceiling. She thought about Julia spending Sunday afternoon with her kids at the mall and about how she couldn’t imagine doing that herself. She thought about the chemical plant whose Henry worked, and the call center outside of town where her mother spent her days talking to faraway voices about their credit card problems. She thought about New York City ― the noisy streets, the crowded sidewalks, the tiny Korean restaurant near her apartment, the boy in the coffee shop on 35th Street.

Then she thought about Tracy, who would never grow older than twenty-three. She remembered how they had quarreled when they were small, when their mother had been a good-natured referee, and how they had stopped quarreling when their father left. Why had they stopped? And why had her mother become so silent towards her after Tracy’s death? Rebecca felt a surge of helplessness wash over her.

It was not yet five o’clock, the house still silent, when she got out of bed and quietly packed her bag. What had made her decide? She wasn’t sure. But she wrote a note to her mother and Henry. “I’ve decided to ( 10 )go back home. I’m sorry.”

She put the note on the kitchen table and slipped out the front door. She walked the twelve blocks downtown to catch the first bus to Detroit, from where she would take another bus back to New York.










設問(10)下線部(10)のgo back homeという表現から、実家滞在中のRebeccaに大きな心境の変化があったことが読み取れる。その心境の変化とはどのようなものか。40~50字の日本語で説明せよ。












Rebecca’s mother was standing outside the bus station when the bus arrived. It was seven thirty-five on Sunday morning. She looked tired. “How was the ride?” she asked.

“I didn’t fall asleep until we got to Ohio,” Rebecca replied. She had come by overnight bus from New York City. The familiar smells of the early Michigan summer filled the air as they walked to her mother’s car. “But I’m okay.”

Rebecca looked out the window as her mother drove the dozen blocks back to the house. The town was nearly deserted. Along Main Street, a discount shoe store stood where the department store used to be, and the drugstore had become a laundry. But on Lincoln Ave., the fast-food places ― Bonus Burger, Pizza Delight, Taco Time ― was (  1  ), as were the houses on Willow, the street where Rebecca had grown up. Only the house two doors down from her mother’s looked different.

“What happened to the Wilsons’ house?” Rebecca asked. “Did they paint it or something?”

“They moved to Kentucky.” her mother replied.

There was a long pause. Rebecca realized that her mother had still not ( 2 ) her former cheerfulness.

“Somebody else moved in.” Her mother parked the car in the driveway, and they got out.

The house was empty when they entered. Henry, Rebecca’s stepfather, was working the early shift at the chemical plant; he wouldn’t be home until midafternoon. As Rebecca carried her suitcase through the dining room, she tried not to look at the pictures of Tracy ― her twin brother ― on the wall.

“I have to go to church,” her mother said. “I’ll be back by noon, if you want to use the car later.”

The bedroom where she had slept as a child was transformed. The bed was new, the carpet was gray instead of green, and hanging from the ceiling was Henry’s collection of model airplanes. ( 3 ) Down the hall, the door of Tracy’s old room was still shut, as it had been for years.

Rebecca left her suitcase next to the bed and went into the kitchen. She made herself a cup of coffee, switched on the television, and sat down to watch a quiz show.

* * *


That afternoon, Rebecca drove her mother’s car to the shopping mall outside town. The mall had opened before Rebecca was born. When she was in high school, it had been the most exciting place in town, and she and her friends would hang out there in the evenings until it closed. Years of living in Brooklyn and working in Manhattan, though, had given Rebecca a new ( 4 ) , and the mall looked plain and uninteresting. Even on a Sunday afternoon, the stores had few customers.

She bought some shampoo and conditioner ― her mother didn’t have the kind Rebecca used ― and sat at a table in the food court and slipped on a soda. Some children were running around the tables as their mothers chatted nearby. She thought about the coffee shop in New York where she went almost every evening after work. It was on 35th Street, just east of Broadway, between a Swedish bakery and a shop that sold circus equipment. One of the servers, a boy of eighteen or nineteen, always remembered her order and gave her a big smile when she came in. She would sit at a corner table and watch the customers ― every age, every nationality, every kind of clothing and hairstyle ― come and go. ( 5 ) It gave her a thrill to feel she was one thread in such a rich cultural fabric.

Rebecca was getting up to leave when one of the mothers came over to her.

“Rebecca?” she said.

Rebecca hesitated for a moment. Then she cried, “Julia!” She stood, and they embraced each other. “I didn’t ( 6 ) you at first.”

“It’s been a long time.”

Since Tracy’s memorial service, Rebecca thought.

Julia sat down. “Are you still living in New York?”

“Yeah,” Rebecca replied. “I’m just here for a couple of days. But I’m thinking of moving back to Michigan.”

“( 7 a ) I thought you liked New York.”

“Well, my roommate is getting married and moving out, so I have to either find a new roommate or move. Rent is really expensive there.”

“( 7 b )”

“My stepfather says he can get me an office job at the chemical plant. I have an interview there tomorrow.”

“( 7 c )” Julia paused. “Have you been dating anybody?”

“Not really.” Then Rebecca asked, “How’s Jerry?”

“( 7 d ) Still working for his father. He’s gone fishing today, so I brought the kids to the mall to let them run around.”

Rebecca and Julia had been friends in high school. Julia had dated Tracy pretty seriously, but they broke up after high school. Julia was already married to Jerry when Tracy was killed in Afghanistan.


* * *


At dinner that evening, Henry talked about an accident that had happened at the plant : “… and then the cracker overheated, and we had to deal with that, too, while we were flushing out the reflux lines …” Even ( 8 ) a teenager, Rebecca was embarrassed not to understand what Henry said. Neither she nor her mother said much. Later, Rebecca helped Henry wash and put away the dishes. He had married Rebecca’s mother and moved in when Rebecca and Tracy were eleven. Their real father had left three years earlier. Rebecca hadn’t seen him for twenty years.

“I told my boss that you’d come in to the office tomorrow at eleven,” Henry said. I’ll take your mother to work, so you can drive her car.”


“He just wants to meet you before he hires you. I don’t ask about the pay, but it should be okay. The girl who had the job before you didn’t ( 9 ).

Fatigue from the bus trip hit Rebecca early in the evening, so she said goodnight to her mother and Henry and went to bed. She fell asleep quickly and slept soundly. Around four in the morning, while it was still dim and silent outside, she woke up. She stayed in bed and gazed at the model planes hanging from the ceiling. She thought about Julia spending Sunday afternoon with her kids at the mall and about how she couldn’t imagine doing that herself. She thought about the chemical plant whose Henry worked, and the call center outside of town where her mother spent her days talking to faraway voices about their credit card problems. She thought about New York City ― the noisy streets, the crowded sidewalks, the tiny Korean restaurant near her apartment, the boy in the coffee shop on 35th Street.

Then she thought about Tracy, who would never grow older than twenty-three. She remembered how they had quarreled when they were small, when their mother had been a good-natured referee, and how they had stopped quarreling when their father left. Why had they stopped? And why had her mother become so silent towards her after Tracy’s death? Rebecca felt a surge of helplessness wash over her.

It was not yet five o’clock, the house still silent, when she got out of bed and quietly packed her bag. What had made her decide? She wasn’t sure. But she wrote a note to her mother and Henry. “I’ve decided to ( 10 )go back home. I’m sorry.”

She put the note on the kitchen table and slipped out the front door. She walked the twelve blocks downtown to catch the first bus to Detroit, from where she would take another bus back to New York.










































