

As soon as he saw Benjie, Ezzie got up and said, “Hey, what happened? Where’d you go after school?

Benjie said, “Hammerman’s after me.”

Ezzie’s pink mouth formed a perfect O. He didn’t say anything, but his breath came out in a long sympathetic sigh. Finally he said, “Marv Hammerman?” even though he knew there was only one Hammerman in the world, just as there had been only one Hitler.



(BenjieやらEzzieやらではピンとこないので、筆者の独断でBenjieを文哉、Ezzieを将太、Marv Hammermanを力石岩男と日本人の名前に変えます。Hammerman、文字通りハンマー男、いかにも硬くて強そうな語感です。)

将太の反応は、pink mouth formed a perfect O。もちろん、このOは少年らしいピンク色した将太の口の形です。驚きのあまり、将太の口は完全にOの形に開いてしまい、その口から言葉の代わりに、長くて同情に満ちた溜息が洩れ出します。





“Is after you?”

Benjie nodded, sunk in misery. He could see Marv Hammerman. He came up in Benjie’s mind (1)          monsters do in horror movies, big and powerful, with the same cold, unreal eyes. It was the eyes Benjie really feared. One look from those eyes, and you knew you were his next victim.



設問(1) 下線部(1)に入れて意味が通る語句を次のうちからすべて選び、その記号を記せ。

ア as  イ how  ウ just  エ the way

後ろにSVが続いているので、副詞のウはダメです。意味から考えて(「ホラー映画で怪物が現れるように(このdoは代動詞でcome upを指します)」)、came upを修飾する副詞節でなければなりませんから、名詞節を作るイのhow(~する方法、~する仕方)も使えません。the wayもhowと同じく名詞節になりますが、in the way S V ~「~する方法で、~するように」のinは省略できます。

(答え) アとエ

“What did you do?” Ezzie asked. “Or did you do anything?”

At least, Benjie thought, Ezzie understood that. If you were Marv Hammerman, you didn’t need (2) a reason. He sat down on the steps and looked down at his feet. “I did something”, he said.

“What?” Ezzie asked. “What’d you do? You bump into him or something?”

Benjie shook his head.

“Well, what?”

Benjie said, “You know that big chart in the upstairs hall at school?”

“What’d you say?(3)             , Benjie. You’re mattering.” Ezzie bent closer. Look at me. Now what did you say?”

Benjie looked up, and said, “Now what did you say?”

Benjie looked up, and said, “You know that big chart outside the history room? In the hall?”

“Chart?” Ezzie said blankly. “What chart, Benjie?”

“This chart takes up the whole wall, Ez, how could you (4)               it? It’s a chart about early people, and it shows human progress up from the apes, the side view of all those different kinds of prehistoric people, like Cro-Magnon man and Pithecanthropus. That chart.”


設問(2) 下線部(2)のa reasonとは、誰が何をする理由か。日本語で述べよ。


(答え) ハマーマンが他の生徒をいじめる理由。





設問(3) 下線部(3)を埋めるのに最も適当な文は、次のうちどれか。その記号を記せ。

ア  I can’t even see you     イ  I can’t even hear you

ウ I’m not even looking at you  エ  I’m not even listening to you



(答え) イ



設問(4) 下線部(4)を埋めるのに最も適当な語は、次のうちどれか。その記号を記せ。

ア lose  イ miss  ウ notice  エ view


takes up the whole wallがヒントです。この人類進化の図表は壁全体を占めているので、「見逃すはずなない」。how could you ~は修辞疑問文です(「どうしたら見逃せるだろうか、いや、どうやっても見逃せるはずはない」)。

(答え) イ

“Oh, yeah, I saw it. So?

Benjie could see that Ezzie (5)             the good part, the violence. His shoulders dropped. He wet his lips. He said, “Well, when I was passing this chart on my way out of history ― and I don’t know why I did this ― I really don’t. When I was passing this chart, Ez, on my way to math ―” He swallowed several times. “When I was passing this chart, I took my pencil and I wrote Marv Hammerman’s name on the bottom of the chart and then I drew an arrow to the picture of Neanderthal man,”



設問(5) 下線部(5)を埋めるのに。最もふさわしいように次の語を並べかえよ。与えられた単語はすべて、それぞれ一度ずつ使うこと。

eager  for  get  him  on  to  to  was


まず、the good partとthe violenceが同格であることに注目。将太は岩男が文哉をどんな目に合わせたのかが知りたくて仕方ない。なんと言っても、他人の不幸は蜜の味ですから。この問題のポイントはbe eager to V ~「~することを熱望している」の不定詞に意味上の主語for himをつけられるかどうかです。文章の主語は将太で、to get on to ~(「~へと移る」)するのは文哉なので、意味上の主語が必要なのです。

(答え)was eager for him to get on to


(ア for イ newspapers ウ the エ the last オ they カ thing

キ wanted ク was)to find out that they were soon to be married. They had not even told their friends or relatives about it.(正解は<全訳例>の最後に)







“What?” Ezzie cried, “What?” (6a)He could not seem to take it in. Benjie knew that Ezzie had been prepared to sympathize with an accident. (6b)He had almost been the victim of one of those himself. One day at school Ezzie had reached for the handle on the water fountain a second ahead of Marv Hammerman. If Ezzie hadn’t glanced up just in time, seen Hammerman and said quickly, “(7)            ahead, I’m not thirsty,” then this unhappy figure on the steps might be (6c)him. “What did you do it for, Benjie?”

“I don’t know.”

“You crazy or something?”

“I don’t know.”



(設問6) 下線部(6a)、(6b)、(6c)は、Ezzie, Hammerman, Benjieのうちの誰を指すか。Ezzieを指すものはE、Hammermanを指すものはH、Benjieを指すものはBと記せ。

(設問7) 下線部(7)を埋めるのに最も適当な語は、次のうちどれか?その記号を記せ。

ア be  イ go  ウ look  エ make  オ see



(設問7の答え) イ



(設問6の答え) (a) E  (b) E  (c) E




“Marv Hammerman!” Ezzie sighed. It was a sorrowful sound. “(8)Anybody else in the school would have been better. I would rather have the principal after me than Marv Hammerman.”

“I(9)             .”

“Maybe Hammerman doesn’t know you did it though,” Ezzie said. “Did you ever think of that? I mean, who’s going to go up to Hammerman and say his name is on the prehistoric chart?” Ezzie leaned forward. “Hey, Hammerman,” he said, imitating the imaginary fool, “I saw a funny thing about you on the prehistoric chart! Now, (10)Who in their right mind is going to ―”

“He was (11)right behind me when I did it,” Benjie said.


“He was right behind me,” Benjie said stiffly. He could remember turning around and looking into Hammerman’s eyes. It was such a strange, troubling moment that Benjie was unable to think about it.



(設問8) 下線部(8)の内容に最も近いものは、次のうちのどれか。その記号を記せ。

ア Somebody else should be chased by Hammerman.

イ Chasing Hammerman is as bad as chasing the principal.

ウ Hammerman is the worst person in school that can be after you.

エ You are the worst person in school for Hammerman to be after.


Couldn’t be better.「それ以上良いことはありえない」→「最高だ」のように、仮定法(would have beenに注目)の中で比較級が使われると最上級を表します。下線部(8)を直訳すると「学校の他の誰でも岩男よりは良かっただろう」。betterのあとにthan Hammermanが省略されています。省略は東大英語の最大のテーマです。the worst personに注目しましょう。

(答え) ウ


(設問9) 下線部(9)を埋めるのに最も適当な語は、次のうちどれか?その記号を記せ。

ア do  イ know  ウ see  エ  think



相手が言うことを聞いて理解できるときにI see、相手に言われるまでもなく、相手が言うことをすでに理解しているときにI knowを使います。









(設問10) 下線部(10)で、going toのあとを次のような形で補うとすれば、空所にどのような語を入れればよいか。最も適当な英語1語を記せ。

Who in their right mind is going to (   ) him that?


省略されているのは、3行~2行前のgo up to Hammerman and say his name is on the prehistoric chart。空所のあとがhimなので、sayではなく、人を目的語にできるtell。1988年にも同種の問題が出題されています。

(答え) tell





(設問11) 下線部(11)のrightに最も近い意味のrightを含む文は、次のうちのどれか。その記号を記せ。

ア Did I do it right this time?

イ His turn came right after me.

ウ Turn right at the next traffic light.

エ Now it’s impossible to put things right.


rightには「まさしく、ちょうど」の意味で、時や場所を強調する副詞の用法があります。たとえば、in the middle of ~「~の真ん中に」を強調したright in the middle of ~は、言葉は悪いですが「~のど真ん中に」を表します。it is thatの強調構文が代表ですが、入試では強調表現が好まれますね。

(答え) イ 「彼の番は私のすぐ後だった」、アとエは「正しい」、ウは「右」です。






As soon as he saw Benjie, Ezzie got up and said, “Hey, what happened? Where’d you go after school?

Benjie said, “Hammerman’s after me.”

Ezzie’s pink mouth formed a perfect O. He didn’t say anything, but his breath came out in a long sympathetic sigh. Finally he said, “Marv Hammerman?” even though he knew there was only one Hammerman in the world, just as there had been only one Hitler.


“Is after you?”

Benjie nodded, sunk in misery. He could see Marv Hammerman. He came up in Benjie’s mind (1)          monsters do in horror movies, big and powerful, with the same cold, unreal eyes. It was the eyes Benjie really feared. One look from those eyes, and you knew you were his next victim.

“What did you do?” Ezzie asked. “Or did you do anything?”

At least, Benjie thought, Ezzie understood that. If you were Marv Hammerman, you didn’t need (2) a reason. He sat down on the steps and looked down at his feet. “I did something”, he said.

“What?” Ezzie asked. “What’d you do? You bump into him or something?”

Benjie shook his head.

“Well, what?”

Benjie said, “You know that big chart in the upstairs hall at school?”

“What’d you say?(3)             , Benjie. You’re mattering.” Ezzie bent closer. Look at me. Now what did you say?”

Benjie looked up, and said, “Now what did you say?”

Benjie looked up, and said, “You know that big chart outside the history room? In the hall?”

“Chart?” Ezzie said blankly. “What chart, Benjie?”

“This chart takes up the whole wall, Ez, how could you (4)               it? It’s a chart about early people, and it shows human progress up from the apes, the side view of all those different kinds of prehistoric people, like Cro-Magnon man and Pithecanthropus. That chart.”

“Oh, yeah, I saw it. So?

Benjie could see that Ezzie (5)             the good part, the violence. His shoulders dropped. He wet his lips. He said, “Well, when I was passing this chart on my way out of history ― and I don’t know why I did this ― I really don’t. When I was passing this chart, Ez, on my way to math ―” He swallowed several times. “When I was passing this chart, I took my pencil and I wrote Marv Hammerman’s name on the bottom of the chart and then I drew an arrow to the picture of Neanderthal man,”

“What?” Ezzie cried, “What?” (6a)He could not seem to take it in. Benjie knew that Ezzie had been prepared to sympathize with an accident. (6b)He had almost been the victim of one of those himself. One day at school Ezzie had reached for the handle on the water fountain a second ahead of Marv Hammerman. If Ezzie hadn’t glanced up just in time, seen Hammerman and said quickly, “(7)            ahead, I’m not thirsty,” then this unhappy figure on the steps might be (6c)him. “What did you do it for, Benjie?”

“I don’t know.”

“You crazy or something?”

“I don’t know.”

“Marv Hammerman!” Ezzie sighed. It was a sorrowful sound. “(8)Anybody else in the school would have been better. I would rather have the principal after me than Marv Hammerman.”

“I(9)             .”

“Maybe Hammerman doesn’t know you did it though,” Ezzie said. “Did you ever think of that? I mean, who’s going to go up to Hammerman and say his name is on the prehistoric chart?” Ezzie leaned forward. “Hey, Hammerman,” he said, imitating the imaginary fool, “I saw a funny thing about you on the prehistoric chart! Now, (10)Who in their right mind is going to ―”

“He was (11)right behind me when I did it,” Benjie said.


“He was right behind me,” Benjie said stiffly. He could remember turning around and looking into Hammerman’s eyes. It was such a strange, troubling moment that Benjie was unable to think about it.































