One day, not long after I had started working for him, Mangiarotti said, “That’s enough work for today. Clear up, will you? I’ll be back in ten minutes.” It was typical of him to spring surprises on people, to do things ( (1) ) warning or explanation. I cleaned the paintbrushes carefully, knowing that Mangiarotti would make a fuss if even one tiny speck of paint remained on them. I wasn’t scared of him exactly, but he was a man with a sharp tongue, and I tried not to upset him. I packed everything away in the proper, Mangiarotti order: ladders on the left, buckets on the right, and so on.
設問(1) 空所(1)を埋めるのにもっとも適当な1語または語群は、次のうちどれか。その記号を記せ。
(ア)on (イ)through (ウ)without (エ)in spite of
spring surprises on peopleで「人が驚くことを突然する」の意味。to spring surprisesとto do以下は同格です。「突然何かをしだす」わけですから、万城は相手に警告や説明なしに物をやる男なのですね。ちなみに、surprisesと複数形になっているのは、「人が驚くべき具体的な事柄」の意味だからです。抽象名詞も具体性を帯びると加算名詞になります。
設問(9) Mangiarottiの性格を述べた文として、本文の内容と一致するものを2つ選び、それらの記号を記せ。
(イ)He is rather boastful.
(ロ)He has a pleasant manner.
(ハ)He is a man of few words.
(ニ)He is careless in his work.
(ホ)He is always in high spirits.
(ヘ)He has an impatient temperament.
(ト)He is always ready to help people.
(チ)He likes driving around in his car.
人が驚くことを突然しでかしたり、口が悪かったり(a man with a sharp tongue)というところから、(ロ)「感じのいい物腰である」は×。また、knowing以下の分詞構文と最終文から、万城が几帳面であると読みとれますので、(ニ)「仕事がずさんである」もダメです。
設問(8) 語り手はMangiarottiの助手として、ある職業に従事している。その職業名を日本語で記せ。
(答え) ペンキ屋(塗装業)
After about a quarter of an hour a car pulled up, and there was Mangiarotti, at the steering-wheel of an old black Citroën. His face was gloomy as usual.
“Get in!” he said. The car pulled away quickly with a squeal of tyres before I’d hardly had a chance to close the door.
万城の顔はいつものように憂鬱(gloomy as usual)です。ということで、設問(9)の(ホ)He is always in high spirits.(いつも機嫌がよい)は間違い。
万城は神木に「乗れ」と言うや、神木がドアを閉めるか閉めないかのうちに、タイヤをきしませて急発進します。ここから、設問(9)の(ヘ)He has an impatient temperament.(せっかちな性格である)は正しいですね。
“Where are we going?” I asked.
He did not reply, which was his way of telling me to ( (2) ) my own business. I decided to settle back and enjoy what I ( (3) ) of the ride ― after all it was better than standing on a ladder painting shop fronts. I hadn’t the slightest idea where we were going, but we were soon out of Paris and in open countryside. With typical suddenness, Mangiarotti screeched to stop by the roadside and switched off the engine. I looked at him. He was staring straight ahead. I followed his gaze, but ( (4) ) I could see was a country road with a hedge running alongside it.
He said he was single, which was a lie.「彼は独身だと言ったが、それはウソだった(奥さんも子どももいた)」。whichは前文He said he was singleを指すitが関係代名詞に変わったものです。
本文のwhichはHe did not replyを指しています。つまり、返事をしないことが、万城が神木に「~しろ」と命じるやり方なのですね。
ここまで読むと、万城が口数の少ない男(a man of few words)とわかります。設問(9)のもう1つの答えは、(ハ)です。
設問(2) 空所(2)を埋めるのにもっとも適当な1語はなにか。その1語を記せ。
万城は「余計なことは聞くな」と言いたいのです。Mind your own business.で「余計なお世話だ」という意味。None of your business.も同じ意味ですね。
設問(3) 空所(3)を埋めるのにもっとも適当な1語は、次のうちどれか。その記号を記せ。
(ア)did (イ)had (ウ)was (エ)could
質問を黙殺された神木は、じっくり腰をすえ、何をすることに決めたのか?after all(なんといっても)、万城がどんなに不機嫌でも、梯子に乗って店先にペンキを塗っているよりはましだ、という文脈も重要ですが、東大英語は一にも二にも省略。(ア)だと、didはenjoyedを指す代動詞になります。このofは「~から」の意味で、「私がこのドライブ(rideは「車に乗ること」)から楽しんだこと」との意味になりますが、ドライブはこれからです。(イ)だとhad enjoyed(過去完了形)で、ドライブがもう終わったことになるし、(ウ)だと受動態(was enjoyed)になり論外。この時点にタイムトリップしましょう。そうすると、enjoy what I can (enjoy) of the ride「私がこのドライブから(これから)楽しめることを楽しむ」になりませんか?それが時制の一致を受けたものが、what I could of the rideです。
設問(4) 空所(4)を埋めるのにもっとも適当な1語はなにか。その1語を記せ。
文脈を追ってみてください。whatですと「しかし、私に見えたのは~だ」となりますが、田舎道とそれに沿って続く垣根が見えるのは当たり前。万城が凝視している以上は何か特別なものが見えなければなりません。だから、「私に見えたのは~だけだ」でないとおかしいのです。この辺りの思考が「東大の第5問は現代文の試験だ」と言われるゆえんでしょう。そこまで考えられた人の多くがonlyを入れます。ところが、onlyは副詞ですから、I could seeをつなげられません。I could seeをつなげられて、しかも「~だけ」の意味になるもの。そうです、allです。
このallは代名詞で、後ろに省略されている関係代名詞thatの先行詞。all (that) S V ~は直訳すると「SがVするすべてのもの」。たとえば、All I know about her is her name.は直訳すると「私が彼女について知っているすべてのことは彼女の名前だ」。ということは、「私が彼女について知っているのは名前だけだ」。
all (that) S V ~のallはonlyを表わします。受験生に最もおなじみの構文は、All you have to do is (to) V ~「きみは~しさえすればいい」= You have only to V ~です。
A movement on the grass verge caught my eye. It was a hat, an old black Homburg, the sort that businessmen used to wear, and it appeared to be alive. It moved forward, stopped, disappeared, bobbled up again for a second, then moved forward and disappeared again. It was such a ridiculous sight that I burst out ( (5) ), but Mangiarotti, who was also watching the hat, remained serious-faced.
設問(5) 空所(5)を埋めるのにもっとも適当な1語はなにか。その1語を記せ。
burst out laughing = burst into laughter「急に笑う、どっと笑う」は東大の大好きなイディオムの1つ。前置詞がoutだと動名詞(laughing)、intoだと名詞(laughter)になる点に注意しましょう。「急に泣き出す」はburst out crying = burst into tearsです。
As I turned again to look, it rose a couple of inches, revealing that there was a head underneath. It dawned on me that there was a ditch between the grass verge and the hedge, and that the wearer of the hat was down in the ditch. Mangiarotti got out of the car, and walked towards the mysterious hat. I didn’t know (6) whether I was supposed to follow him or stay in the car. My curiosity got the better of me, so I got out and hurried to catch up with him. He stood by the roadside, staring down at the hat and talking brusquely to it in an Italian dialect which I could not understand. I looked down too, and saw, under the hat, the red, wrinkled face of an old man. Despite the hot summer’s afternoon, he was wearing a black fur-collared overcoat which perfectly matched his ancient Homburg. The amazing thing was that, although he was ( (7) ), his head barely cleared the top of the ditch. He was an extremely short man, and his small stature was exaggerated by the bent body of old age.
Mangiarotti held out his hand to the old man and pulled him out of the ditch, roughly, as if he were a straw doll. Then we all got into the car, and started back for Paris.
設問(6) 下線部(6)の意味は次のうちのどれか。その記号を記せ。
be supposed to V ~は「~することになっている」の意味で、①予定と②軽い義務を表わすイディオムです。「ここで靴を脱ぐことになっています」と言われたら、脱がなければなりませんよね。≒ shouldと思ってください。
— 好奇心に負け、神木は急いで万城の後を追います。万城は帽子を見下ろし、神木にわからない方言で無愛想に話しかけます。
設問(7) 空所(7)を埋めるのにもっとも適当な語群は次のうちどれか。その記号を記せ。
(ア)sitting up (イ)reaching up
(ウ)crouching down (エ)standing upright
設問(10)(河村の創作) Mangiarottiと溝にいた老人との関係について、どのようなことが想像できるか。老人の謎の行動の理由も含め、50字程度の日本語(句読点を含む)で説明せよ。
One day, not long after I had started working for him, Mangiarotti said, “That’s enough work for today. Clear up, will you? I’ll be back in ten minutes.” It was typical of him to spring surprises on people, to do things ( (1) ) warning or explanation. I cleaned the paintbrushes carefully, knowing that Mangiarotti would make a fuss if even one tiny speck of paint remained on them. I wasn’t scared of him exactly, but he was a man with a sharp tongue, and I tried not to upset him. I packed everything away in the proper, Mangiarotti order: ladders on the left, buckets on the right, and so on.
After about a quarter of an hour a car pulled up, and there was Mangiarotti, at the steering-wheel of an old black Citroën. His face was gloomy as usual.
“Get in!” he said. The car pulled away quickly with a squeal of tyres before I’d hardly had a chance to close the door.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
He did not reply, which was his way of telling me to ( (2) ) my own business. I decided to settle back and enjoy what I ( (3) ) of the ride ― after all it was better than standing on a ladder painting shop fronts. I hadn’t the slightest idea where we were going, but we were soon out of Paris and in open countryside. With typical suddenness, Mangiarotti screeched to stop by the roadside and switched off the engine. I looked at him. He was staring straight ahead. I followed his gaze, but ( (4) ) I could see was a country road with a hedge running alongside it.
A movement on the grass verge caught my eye. It was a hat, an old black Homburg, the sort that businessmen used to wear, and it appeared to be alive. It moved forward, stopped, disappeared, bobbled up again for a second, then moved forward and disappeared again. It was such a ridiculous sight that I burst out ( (5) ), but Mangiarotti, who was also watching the hat, remained serious-faced.
As I turned again to look, it rose a couple of inches, revealing that there was a head underneath. It dawned on me that there was a ditch between the grass verge and the hedge, and that the wearer of the hat was down in the ditch. Mangiarotti got out of the car, and walked towards the mysterious hat. I didn’t know (6) whether I was supposed to follow him or stay in the car. My curiosity got the better of me, so I got out and hurried to catch up with him. He stood by the roadside, staring down at the hat and talking brusquely to it in an Italian dialect which I could not understand. I looked down too, and saw, under the hat, the red, wrinkled face of an old man. Despite the hot summer’s afternoon, he was wearing a black fur-collared overcoat which perfectly matched his ancient Homburg. The amazing thing was that, although he was ( (7) ), his head barely cleared the top of the ditch. He was an extremely short man, and his small stature was exaggerated by the bent body of old age.
Mangiarotti held out his hand to the old man and pulled him out of the ditch, roughly, as if he were a straw doll. Then we all got into the car, and started back for Paris.